Thursday, May 16, 2013

I love... Blues Clues

Blues Clues
I love Blues Clues! It's my favorite childhood shows, and I still watch it when I find it on TV. I have been watching Blues Clues since I was 2, in a photo for when I was 3 I wearing a Blues Clues dress looking really happy. There are so many reasons I love it 1. It has a blue dog! How isn't that cool? 2. Steve was on of the best host in TV history (What I think anyways). 3. Blue is the girl and Magenta is the boy (The more you know). 4. All the fun characters and even more! When I first got Netflix it was the first thing I watched, I'm not even kidding. I think I will always watch Blues Clues no matter how old I get! If you haven’t seen the show you should really watch it! But watch the shows the aired before Steve left because Joe wasn’t as good as Steve!

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