Monday, May 13, 2013

About me

Hi! I'm Sara, I'm a high schooler. I go to school at Diamond Oaks, I'm in veterinary assisting! My English teacher is making me make this blog, I may change the theme after school gets out, but I'm not sure yet. If you get offended if you like certain people or if you have a strong belief about something. I tend to cuss a lot so that will happen after the school year gets out (May 31), I like the debate to, but if things get to crazy then I'm out. I can’t debate with people who don’t change their argument, if you keep using the same one like "The bible told me so" then no, I won’t debate with you. I'm open to a lot of things, and I don’t judge for religion, sexuality, race, background, or anything like that. But I will judge you base off the music you like, if you like Justin Bieber chances are I wont be you'r friend anytime soon. So yeah, that's it for now, I'll write again whenever my teacher tells me to! Bye!

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