Friday, May 24, 2013

I love... Ellen Degeneres

I really don’t understand why people don’t love Ellen! Ellen is one on the nicest people on the planet! She is always helping out families that need money, or families that has a member in the war, or families affected by hurricanes or tornados. She is also really funny, every Tuesday she has "Classic Joke Tuesday". This is when she tells jokes that are so stupid they're funny. She's also a spokesperson for cover girl, and I think she is still a spokesperson for JC Penny too. She is willing to do a lot for her fans too, once she had a house built for a fan in need of a new one. Like I said she is one of the nicest people on this planter who is willing to help anyone in need of it. She also has started to do a new thing on her show, she has someone that works for her go out on the street and act like they dropped something, then anyone that helps the worker gets to meet Ellen and she gives them like $500 for being kind. This is why I love Ellen!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I love... Diamond Oaks

Diamond Oaks
I love my school Diamond Oaks! It’s a lot different from my old school Oak Hills! Diamond has more friendly students and teachers, it has a lot more to offer, it has AC, the school day ends earlier, we have better laptops, I'm doing a lot better here than at Oak Hills, and I like almost every one of my teachers here. I also feel safer at Diamond then I did at Oak Hills, at Oak Hills I thought another student could come in with a gun and kills us all. But I don't feel like that at Diamond! And I’m really going to miss all my new friends over the summer.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I love... Fall Out Boy!

I got my V.I.P. Fall Out Boy tickets yesterday, so I thought this photo was appropriate! :D

Monday, May 20, 2013

I hate... lottery winners

Lottery Winners
I can't stand lottery winners, not all of them but most of them. I hate the ones that spend all the money within 3 years! I mean, I understand how but why? The winners shouldn't buy everything at once, like when they first get the money they buy a new house and go on a trip. They shouldn't buy a house, 10 cars, a boat, go on a trip for 5 weeks, and get a plane. They should still save their money so they can have it for the rest of their lives. And don't give it all the way to family, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, or to charities, keep most of it to yourself. And make a plan on how much you’re going to spend yearly and on what, the more organized you is the longer you may be able to keep all of the money.

Friday, May 17, 2013

I love... Music!

Favorite videos!
Fall Out Boy "My songs know what you did in the dark (Light em up)

Fall Out Boy "The Takes Over Breaks Over"
Michael Jackson "Smooth Criminal"

The Big Bang Theory ball pit moment

Gir: Guess who made waffles!

Reason why I love these videos

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark : After 3 years of being gone Fall Out Boy came back into the music world on Monday Febuary 8, 2013! This music video is the restart of Fall Out Boy and I love it for that reason alone, and I just really like the song! It doesnt show the boys for more then a few minutes but this video is the start of an 11 music video story.

The Takes Over Breaks Over: This came from Fall Out Boy's 4 album "Infinity On High" and it has Pete's dog Hemingway in it! I love this video because it's just really random with the breakdancing mailman and the stake cotume Patrick is wearing. I also like how Hemingway can talk at the end. And at the end it has shirtless Pete Wentz!

Smooth Criminal: I was never really a Michael Jackson fan till after he died, but out of all his music videos and songs this one is my favorite and I'm not really sure why. I guess I just like how its during the 20's and MJ's outfit, plus I like the lean trick.

The Big Banf Theory ball pit: For a while an old friend of mine told me to watch this show and I never would. But I guess I was trying to watch a show that came on after it and I saw this moment and became a fan. I just love how Sheldon is acting like a 5 year old and swimming away.

Guess who made waffles: Why wouldn't I love this?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I love... Blues Clues

Blues Clues
I love Blues Clues! It's my favorite childhood shows, and I still watch it when I find it on TV. I have been watching Blues Clues since I was 2, in a photo for when I was 3 I wearing a Blues Clues dress looking really happy. There are so many reasons I love it 1. It has a blue dog! How isn't that cool? 2. Steve was on of the best host in TV history (What I think anyways). 3. Blue is the girl and Magenta is the boy (The more you know). 4. All the fun characters and even more! When I first got Netflix it was the first thing I watched, I'm not even kidding. I think I will always watch Blues Clues no matter how old I get! If you haven’t seen the show you should really watch it! But watch the shows the aired before Steve left because Joe wasn’t as good as Steve!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I love... Zombies!

I love Zombies! I use to really like vampires (Thanks to Twilight). But this year I've started getting more and more into zombies. It started with my teacher telling me about a zombie walk that was happening downtown in my city, I ended up going (dressed like a zombie) and I had a blast! Then a few months later the movie Warm Bodies came out and I went nuts over zombies. Warm Bodied is an awesome zombie movie, it didn't have that much gore and it had some funny parts in it. I also got a book last year called "Zombies VS. Unicorns" I only read the first story, but it was a zombie story and it was about a gay couple so it was pretty cute. But zombies in general are awesome, and the thought of them have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years. There seems to be a bunch of different kinds of zombies, but I don’t have a favorite kind of zombie. I love all kinds of zombies, no hate. But the ones that have no legs and crawls are kind of creepy, so I’m not a big fan of those. Or the kinds that can run really fast, I would like to have a chance of living during an outbreak if one would happen. But that’s why I love zombies!

Monday, May 13, 2013

About me

Hi! I'm Sara, I'm a high schooler. I go to school at Diamond Oaks, I'm in veterinary assisting! My English teacher is making me make this blog, I may change the theme after school gets out, but I'm not sure yet. If you get offended if you like certain people or if you have a strong belief about something. I tend to cuss a lot so that will happen after the school year gets out (May 31), I like the debate to, but if things get to crazy then I'm out. I can’t debate with people who don’t change their argument, if you keep using the same one like "The bible told me so" then no, I won’t debate with you. I'm open to a lot of things, and I don’t judge for religion, sexuality, race, background, or anything like that. But I will judge you base off the music you like, if you like Justin Bieber chances are I wont be you'r friend anytime soon. So yeah, that's it for now, I'll write again whenever my teacher tells me to! Bye!